Welcome to this page related to the specialized Master in Data Science, Big data ULB. If you need informations on the program, you can find them here or via the following link: https://www.ulb.be/fr/programme/ms-bgda

In a snapshot:

  • This is a one year program with a compulsory internship in a company or a master thesis (see the rules of the master thesis/internship below for more details)
  • This is a specialized master so that you need a Master degree already (with 300 credits) to apply.
  • The fees for this master are the fees of a "classical master" at ULB. Please consult the following link for the fees: https://www.ulb.be/en/enrolment/tuition-fees
  • If you have a master degree in Computer Sciences, Statistics, Mathematics, Physics, Economics, Engineering or Business Engineering, your chances to be enrolled are high. Nevertheless candidates with other master degrees can apply in particular if they can show a good background in Computer Sciences and/or Statistics. The Master's jury will analyse your file and judge whether your level in Computer Science and/or Statistics will allow you to start the Master's program with confidence. Your file will not be judged before the application.
  • Courses are taught in English but you do not have to prove that your level of English is sufficient to apply.
  • Courses are given during the day (working time). Note that if you are already working, there is a possibility to split the program into two years (with fees that do not match the fees of two classical years) or more.


Our secretary for the program is Patricia Semeraro (patricia.semeraro@ulb.ac.be). Feel free to contact her if you have some question.

Master thesis, internship

Rules for the master thesis/internship can be found
here. For the master thesis or the internship, you need to fill the following document and send it to our secretary (with me in copy). If you choose an internship in a company rather than a classical master thesis, you also need to fill the following document. Before the beginning of the internship and no later than one week before the beginning of the internship, you need to send me the document that will then be sent to the Faculty (to be signed by our Dean).

Annual program (called PAE)

  • October 20 (Department), October 31 (Faculty): deadline for the ``PAE" (programme annuel de l'étudiant). You need to choose your program for this date. That is you need to choose of optional courses for both the fall (first) and the spring (second) semesters. The best thing to do is to do it online (through "mon ulb") and to contact me if you have questions. If you are not able to do it online, you also have the following form. Note that you will be able to modify your choice for the spring semester in February via this form (again you have to send it to our secretary and myself). Note that there are three exams periods: in January, in June and the retake exams in September. Obviously, you cannot remove a course of the fall semester to take a course of the spring semester in February.
  • October 31: deadline for the ``demande d'allègement". If you want to split your program into two years (or more) to make it lighter, you need to complete the form here and send it to our secretary (still with me in copy). Here is the form.

Note that the various forms can be found via "Mon ULB".